Information Videos

In collaboration with the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation, HBOC offers you a series of educational and testimonials video clips on genetics so you can find answers to your questions. Thanks to this complete and simplified resource, you will be able to:


  • Demystify the role of genetics in breast cancer;

  • Learn more about the issues involved in taking a genetic test and the reasons why such a test might be necessary;

  • Get support and resources if you or your family members are affected by hereditary breast cancer.

Genetics Basics

Cancer and Hereditary Cancer
Genetic inheritance
Identifying high-risk individuals
Importance of family history
Family history

Genetic Testing and Results

Genetic counselling
Genetic testing: general information
Advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing
Genetic test results
Risks and types of cancer associated with genetic predisposition to hereditary cancer
Private testing and direct-to-consumer genetic testing
Testimonials - Genetic test: making a decision
Testimonials - Genetic test: receiving your result
Testimonials - Genetic test: afterwards

Management Options : Screening and Surgeries

Hereditary predispositions and management options
Fertility preservation
Testimonials - The option of increased screening
Testimonials - The option of prophylactic mastectomy
Testimonials - Complications after a mastectomy
Testimonials - The option of prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy
Testimonials - Menopause after salpingo-oophorectomy
Testimonials - Occult cancer diagnosis
Testimonials - Thoughts after a risk-reducing surgery
Testimonials - Surgeries and femininity
Testimonials - Surgeries and your spouse
Testimonials - Support and resources

Talking About Your Result With Your Child and Your Family

Discussing your results with your family members
Discussing your results with your children
Testimonials - Discussing your genetic result with your family
Testimonials - Discussing your genetic result with your children

Additional Information: Risk Factors, At-risk Individuals, and Precision Medicine

Personalized medecine or precision medecine
Other risk factors for breast cancer
Breast cancer risk by race and ethnicity
Men: breast cancer and hereditary cancer
Transgender people: breast cancer and hereditary cancer